
Syros に関するプロジェクト、製品、独占記事の概要

ニュースニュース • 7 Aug 2023

Viglostasi residence embraces Greek island vernacular

On a rocky outcrop overlooking the Aegean Sea, a family dwelling blends in harmony with the surrounding landscape. Designed by Athens-based architecture studio Block722, Viglostasi is a residence that appears almost like a traditional Greek settlement, a home with a storied past. On closer inspection, the villa reveals its contemporary make-up, its structure meticulously crafted to draw upon the typology of small Aegean villages — a cluster of low volumes, these picturesque villages typically sit on hillsides, overlooking the sea. George Pappas George Pappas The Viglostasi residence is located on Syros island, capital of the Cyclades in Greece. It was commissioned by a family who were inspired by Block722’s pr... もっと見る